Road Alert Map
Service Area Map
An interactive Service Area Map has been provided to geographically show the progress crews are making on county maintained roadways. The program allows citizens to zoom in and / or out as well as search for a specific road name. As roadways are initially treated / plowed, the roadway(s) will be shaded purple. This map is updated every fifteen minutes.
The DPW&T is responsible for snow removal and ice control on over 1,500 County-maintained roadways encompassing more than 1,400 lane miles within four Service Areas (North, Central, West & South as shown below). Snow removal is considered a Top Priority of the Department.
When severe weather occurs in St. Mary's County, DPW&T's computerized system tracks the progress of snow removal operations (providing the data for the automated map you see here), as service crews are dispatched and completed work in their respective Service Areas. While speed and efficiency are important, DPW&T employees are instructed to maintain safety standards as they work to maintain safe roads for citizens and visitors.
This map is for informational purposes only and the numbers reflected are estimates of County-maintained roadways that are being treated, plowed and/or have been visually inspected. As a part of our Snow Spotters Program, the DPW&T relies on you to call and report changing roadway conditions; your call helps us ensure that areas are not unintentionally overlooked.
Snow Packed Roads: Residents are advised that although residential subdivision streets are plowed and salted, they could remain in a snow packed condition. Snow packed means that the snow has been compacted to the road’s surface by vehicular traffic. In low temperatures, especially below 15-20 degrees, salt is not very effective. With or without salt, these roads sometimes do not get down to bare pavement until the snow melts. As the snow melts, the snow surface usually begins to break apart into smaller sections. At that time, the roads may either be re-plowed or left to naturally melt away.
Feel free to call our Citizen Emergency Messaging System at (301) 475-4200 ext 4911 for inclement weather and emergency information
Service Area | # Miles | # Miles Treated | % Treated | |
North | 110.28 | 52.58 | 47.68 % | |
Central | 178.86 | 107.29 | 59.99 % | |
West | 153.44 | 61.97 | 40.38 % | |
South | 204.31 | 80.56 | 39.43 % |
Miles of Roads Treated/Untreated
DPW&T's snow removal and ice control operational plan is intended to provide citizen expectations on the level of service that can be expected at various snow depths.
Arterial streets, major collector and urban commercial roadways are our first priority; followed by secondary residential streets and minor collector roads; local roads in subdivisions such as courts and dead end streets are addressed once the first two priorities have been satisfactorily completed as they are the least traveled.
For more information, read When the forecast calls for snow or ice, here's what you can generally expect around the County.