Comparing key metrics about the condition, costs, and replacement values of an organization's facilities and building systems provides valuable insights for capital planning. Maintenance and utility costs are usually the top two largest single expense components for facilities. As such, during calendar year 2014, the Department conducted Energy Audits and Facilities Conditions Assessments (including parking lots) to help validate that planned capital investments are appropriately prioritized and targeted. A Public Facilities Needs Assessment for the Office of the Sheriff, Department of Aging and Human Services, Recreation & Parks, and the Health Department was also included in scope of work.
Energy Audits
The audits review facility utility bills and other operating data (i.e. energy/demand rate structures, and energy use indexing / profiles) in an effort to identify areas of energy waste or inefficiency. The primary purpose of the audits was to identify Energy Conservation Measures (ECM's) appropriate for each facility given its operating parameters and included a ranking of capital investment opportunities by their respective payback periods. Each recommended measure was analyzed based on detailed implementation cost estimates, site-specific operating cost savings, anticipated annual energy cost savings, life cycle analysis / simple payback or return on investment, etc.
Facilities Conditions Assessments
This audit was intended to provide the necessary assessments and analyses to support proposed initiatives in the capital budgeting process, and allow the Department to effectively support its institution's goals with respect to critical and programmatic maintenance efforts. The Facility Condition Audit (FCA) covered all building systems from HVAC and electrical, to building envelope, elevators, and life safety. The results of the study will be used to identify the level of deferred maintenance of each building system, schedule and forecast capital replacement requirements, determine expected Useful Life (EUL) and Remaining Useful Life (RUL) with anticipated year(s) of replacement, provide a recommended strategy for implementing (programmatic and critical maintenance actions, and develop an immediate, short, medium and long range capital improvement program recommendation based on life cycle cost analyses.
Public Facilities Needs Assessment
The assessment will provide essential information required for space needs planning, property management, and capital improvement budgeting. The primary goals were to; evaluate existing facilities and programs, and review the ability of current space to meet the population and user needs of the Department (current, 10 and 20 year projections) in order to help ensure the planning of new facilities is consistent with the appropriate level of opportunities and services.
We now have a much better view of the condition of our facilities and that helps strengthen overall decision making