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St. Mary's County, Maryland
Est. 1637
Office Status: Opening at 10 AM
Employee Information

Items for Purchase

Anyone purchasing products from this office must agree to the following:

Election Law Article, § 3-506, Annotated Code of Maryland, that the list of registered voters for which I am applying is not intended to be used for commercial solicitation or for any other purpose not related to the electoral process. I am aware that, if I use the list for commercial solicitation or for any other purpose not related to the electoral process, or make the list available to the public or third parties or publish or republish the list in a way that allows it to be used in that manner, I will be guilty, upon conviction of a misdemeanor and subject to punishment under Election Law Article, Title 16, Annotated Code of Maryland. I also acknowledge and understand that I cannot use the data for any purpose unrelated to the electoral process. I can use the data to register voters, form a political party, qualify as a candidate for public office, circulate a petition, conduct elections and recount, cast and count ballots, finance a campaign, and other activities that meet the definition of "electoral process" as defined in COMAR I will not use this data for investigations into an illegal or suspected illegal infractions or violations of voters' behaviors in a specific election.

The following items can be ordered by emailing the Board of Elections office at [email protected].

  • Walking List
  • Absentee Applicants List for a single Election
  • Election Precinct Maps
  • Registered Voter list w/ Voter History

In order to purchase any of these items you must complete the Application for Voter Registration Data. Once the application is complete, enclose your payment and mail to:

St. Mary's County Board of Elections
P.O. Box 197
Leonardtown MD 20650

Questions? Call (301) 475-4200 ext. 1625.

Office Status - Opening at 10 AM
Employee Status - Opening at 10 AM