Be Prepared
While you may not be able to control a disaster or stop it from happening, you can control how you and your family will respond. Protecting yourself and your family during an emergency requires planning.
The degree to which Emergency Management is effective depends heavily on the emergency planning process from both Emergency Management Professionals and the citizens who could be impacted.
Below are some recommendations for ways to prepare!
Make a Plan
Having emergency plans for different disasters will help your family to know what to do in an emergency. Find information and tips on creating your own family emergency plans here.
Build a Kit
An emergency kit holds all the essentials that you and your family will need should an emergency strike. Remember, local responders may not be able to reach you immediately. Your ability to be self-sufficient may be a matter of survival for you and your family. Find information on what to include in your emergency kit here.
Consider the Needs of Your Family
Emergency plans may differ depending on the needs of your family, especially if your family includes special populations such as infants, children, elderly adults, individuals with disabilities or access functional needs, or pets. Find more information on planning for special populations here.