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St. Mary's County, Maryland
Est. 1637
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Office Status: Normal
Employee Information

Christmas Caring

The Human Services Division's Christmas Caring Program partners with the Department of Social Services to create a database of families identified as needing assistance during the holiday season. A large number of agencies, organizations, businesses, churches, schools and individuals volunteer to provide gifts of toys, clothing and food during the holiday season.

Mike's Bikes is a long-time Christmas Caring partner who, historically, provides turkeys and other items in a food basket. Another community partner, the U.S. Marine Corps' Toys for Tots Program, began collaborating with Christmas Caring in St. Mary's County in 2010. Even though Toys for Tots is a national program, all toys collected locally remain in St. Mary's County. Community members are encouraged to contact the Human Services Division to sponsor a family or look for the Toys for Tots collection box at stores and establishments county-wide.

By sponsoring a family, you will provide a specific gift for a child based on his or her request. Gifts may be toys, educational items, or clothing. Toys collected at the Toys for Tots collection points will end up in the hands of a needy child on Christmas Day. Toys for Tots are for toys only; not clothing. Monetary donations are tax-deductible.

If churches, businesses, or schools are helping families specific to their organization, they are encouraged to contact the Human Services Division to see if those families are already in the database, thus preventing a duplication of service.

Contact Debra Kane at (301) 475-4200, ext. 1680, or [email protected], for more information.