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St. Mary's County, Maryland
Est. 1637
  • There are no County-Wide Alerts at this time.
Office Status: Normal
Employee Information

Volunteer Fire & EMS

Fire & EMS Recruitment and Retention:

In St. Mary's County, there are 7 fire departments, 7 rescue squads, and an Advanced Life Support unit that respond to calls to assist fellow citizens during an emergency. Every fire department and rescue squad in St. Mary's County is recruiting new members. There are a variety of positions that do not require a person to respond to the scene of an emergency including administrative and fundraising roles. For citizens who want to serve the community by becoming a certified firefighter or EMT, the training is provided at no cost. Incentives are offered to citizens who volunteer at fire departments and rescue squads. A few of these incentives include college scholarship programs, length of service award program, dependent care reimbursement program, and a Maryland State tax incentive program after three years of service. For more information, contact: Emergency Services Recruitment & Retention Coordinator, 301-475-4200 ext. 2114, [email protected].

Summary of Benefits